Auto-Renew is Required for ALL Membership selections. Auto-Renew will charge your card every month on the same day until which time you discontinue membership.

Code of Ethics
As a Member of PPNC, all members will agree to:
Endeavor to maintain a dignity of manner in their behavior, in the presentation of their behavior, in the presentation of their photography and photographic services, in their appearance and that of their studio or place of business, and in all other forms of public contact.
Observe the highest standard of honesty in all transactions, avoiding the use of false, confusing, inaccurate, and misleading terms, descriptions, and claims.

At all times endeavor to produce photographs of a quality equal or superior to the samples displayed, to apply their best efforts toward providing the best possible photographic craftsmanship.

Show a friendly spirit of cooperation to other photographers and assist them whenever possible should they be in trouble or difficulty.

To refrain from payments or "kick-backs" and/or commissions to persons, firms, and organizations for influence with consumers where such person, firm or organization renders no service.

To advertise only bona fide prices and products and to refrain from the use of "bait" advertising methods.

Assist other photographers and share their knowledge with them and encourage them individually and collectively to achieve and maintain the highest standards of quality.

Recognize the authority of this Association in all matters relating to the interpretation of this Code in accordance with the statues of the United States and the various state and the decisions of courts and the governmental agencies of competent jurisdiction.

The membership of any person who repudiates or violates this Code shall be terminated with the rules of this Association. Complaints of violations of the Code of Ethics may be filed with the Secretary or any of the Board members. The Executive Director shall submit the complaint and all supporting evidence to the Committee on Unethical Practices. It shall conduct a thorough investigation.

If the evidence indicates in the opinion of the committee prima facie violation, the chairperson of the committee shall communicate in writing with the accused member, who may upon presentation of a suitable explanation, apology, and written assurance the offense shall not be repeated, be retained as member in good standing.

If a second complaint, accompanied by evidence of successive violation, is received against the same member, it shall be submitted to the Committee on Unethical Practices for investigation. If the member is found guilty, the chairperson shall recommend action to the Board of Directors.

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